Back to School Braces Guide

Heading back to school almost always means changes — changing classes, changing friends, and for some students, getting braces. To help you survive school with your new accessory, check out these must-have school supplies for the student with braces. These will be sure to keep your teeth healthy and happy this school year.


1. Compact Toothbrush & Toothpaste
It’s important to take a few minutes to brush your teeth after lunch. This helps get out any food that may get stuck in your brackets and can also help prevent tooth decay and bad breath. Besides, there’s nothing more embarrassing than letting your friends know what you had for lunch by what’s stuck in your teeth.

2. Flossers/Floss Picks
Despite your constant brushing, sometimes you can’t quite get out leftover food with just a toothbrush. Add some extra floss picks to your backpack to keep your braces clean.

3. Musician’s Lip Protector
If you are in band and play an instrument that requires the use of your mouth, slip this plastic guard over your wires and brackets to protect your mouth from getting irritated. This nifty little tool will keep your mouth and your music smooth.

4. Mouthguard for Sports Players
Most athletes should already wear a mouthguard when competing, but this is especially important for athletes with braces. A mouthguard can protect your teeth and gums from damage that could set back your treatment.

5. Lip Balm
Using chapstick or lip balm is an easy way to treat your chapped lips that occur as a result of your braces.

6. Dental Wax
boy playing with orthodontic waxProtect your sensitive skin with dental wax. The wires on your braces can be abrasive against the inside of your mouth, often leaving sore spots. Dental wax helps decrease this irritation and keeps you smiling bright.

7. Rubber Bands
Even if you don’t think so, the structure of the school day comes in handy. Use your class schedule as a reminder to change your rubber bands every few hours. As they stretch out, they become less effective. Try changing your bands every two hours for maximum jaw movement and to put yourself on the fast track to getting your braces removed.

8. Compact Mirror
Keep a handy mirror in your backpack to make sure you get all of those pesky food bits out of your teeth after lunch. This can also come in handy when applying dental wax.


Getting braces is the step to straightening your teeth and giving you a bright, beautiful smile for years to come. Make sure you don’t let your hectic school schedule set you back in your treatment plan.

If you have any questions about your new braces and need more advice on reducing the pain, feel free to contact us! If you do not already have braces and are considering orthodontic treatment, contact Dr. Bennett today to make an appointment. We look forward to helping you with your smile journey here at Bennett Orthodontics!